2023-2024 Cal Poly Humboldt Catalog 
    May 04, 2024  
2023-2024 Cal Poly Humboldt Catalog

Student Identification and Email Account

Cal Poly Humboldt Identification

Personal Information

Students’ personal information such as names, personal pronouns and contact information are maintained in their Student Center. Students may add a name other than their legal name for use on class rosters and with campus technology. A legal name is used where required by law or university policy. 

Diploma Name

A student may set a diploma name to specify a name other than their legal name or style preference (middle initial, suffixes, etc.) to be printed on their diploma. A legal name is used on official educational records (e.g., transcripts).

Limitations and Appropriate Use

The University reserves the right to deny or remove, with or without notice, any name or pronoun that is inappropriate or being used improperly (e.g., for fraud, misrepresentation or to evade legal obligations). A student who enters a name or pronoun in their Student Center that is inappropriate or for improper use may be in violation of the Student Code of Conduct and will be referred to the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities.

Additional information is available on the Office of the Registrar: Names and Student Identity webpage

Student ID Number

To assist in protecting students from identity theft, Cal Poly Humboldt has generated an identification number for each student. Students are encouraged to carry their valid Student ID card as various areas on campus will require that the card be swiped to obtain access or services. The student ID card can be used only for obtaining services from the university. It cannot be used to establish credit or to identify a student for business purposes outside the university. Therefore, if the card is lost, it does not create the potential for identity theft inherent in using social security numbers (SSNs).


In an effort to consolidate login information and to provide better protection of student information, many components of the Cal Poly Humboldt system use the student’s username (e.g. abc123 or abcd1234) as a login.

ID Card

A student’s first ID is included in student fees. Student ID cards are used across campus for services at the Library Bookstore, Student Wellness Center, Residence Halls, campus computer labs, and more. The ID card is also a student’s Jack Pass, providing unlimited rides on public transportation across Humboldt County. The Eureka Transit Service, Humboldt Transit Authority, and Arcata, and Mad River Transit System are participants. Students may have a name other than their legal name on their ID card.Additional information is available on the Library website: ID.

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University Email

Cal Poly Humboldt recognizes email systems as tools for conducting official university business. As such, the university provides centrally managed email accounts, and students are responsible for checking their university email account for official communications. Each student user is entitled to one mailbox. Email account holders are responsible for safeguarding access to their campus email when using any computing device and following campus acceptable use policy on-campus computer usage and safety guidelines. For additional information, see Email Policy (P21-01). 

Setting automatic forwarding of an official university email address to another address is discouraged. Having email lost as a result of forwarding does not absolve the account holder from responsibilities associated with communication sent to their official email address. The university is not responsible for the handling of email by outside vendors or unofficial servers.

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