2024-2025 Cal Poly Humboldt Catalog 
    Mar 03, 2025  
2024-2025 Cal Poly Humboldt Catalog

Withdrawal from the Institution

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Cancellation of Registration or Withdrawal from the Institution

Students who find it necessary to cancel their registration or to withdraw from all classes after enrolling for any academic term are required to follow the university’s official withdrawal procedures. Failure to follow formal university procedures may result in an obligation to pay fees as well as the assignment of failing grades in all courses and the need to apply for readmission before being permitted to enroll in another academic term. Information on canceling registration and withdrawal procedures is available from: Office of Records and Registration, Student & Business Services, Room 133, (707) 826-4101.

Students who receive financial aid funds must consult with Financial Aid prior to withdrawing from the university regarding any required return or repayment of grant or loan assistance received for that academic term or payment period. Students who have received financial aid and withdraw from the institution during the academic term or payment period may need to return or repay some or all of the funds received, which may result in a debt owed to the institution.


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Withdrawal Policy 

Students are responsible for adding or dropping the correct courses on their schedules prior to the Add/Drop Deadline. After the Add/Drop Deadline students are required to follow university withdrawal procedures by filing a request with the Office of Records and Registration, whether the student has ever attended classes or not. Requests to withdraw will only be approved with a “serious and compelling” or “catastrophic” reason with supporting documentation. A student is not allowed to withdraw during the last five weeks of instruction or later except in cases where the cause of withdrawal is due to circumstances clearly beyond the student’s control (“catastrophic”) and the assignment of an incomplete grade is not practicable. For information about grades assigned for official withdrawal (W) and unauthorized withdrawal (WU) see Grades and GPA .

Faculty are strongly encouraged to provide students, whenever possible, with graded feedback in every course before the Add/Drop Deadline. Drops and withdrawals often carry serious academic and financial consequences, including delaying time to degree, loss of momentum, impacts on full/part-time status for fees and/or financial aid eligibility, veterans benefits overpayments, on-campus housing, athletic eligibility, and visa status for international students. Faculty members are urged to remind students to consult with an advisor as well as the Financial Aid office before withdrawing from a class. Students who receive financial aid funds are urged to consult with Financial Aid prior to withdrawing from the university regarding any required return or repayment of grant or loan assistance received, which may result in a debt owed to the institution and negatively impact eligibility to receive financial aid in future semesters. International students here on an F1 or J1 visa are urged to consult with their immigration advisor prior to any drops or withdrawals regarding the effects these changes may have on their immigration status.   


The Add/Drop Deadline is 11:59 p.m. PST on the Monday after the second week of classes of the regular semester. Students are responsible for ensuring the correct courses are on their official class schedules in their Student Center prior to the Add/Drop Deadline. Students are allowed to disenroll (drop) a course before the add/drop via Student Center. A student who formally drops prior to the Add/Drop Deadline will have only an appropriate date of withdrawal (no coursework) appear on the academic record for that term. The university may disenroll a student from a course administratively, when enrollment in a course is contingent upon attendance (see the Faculty Initiated Drop for Non-Attendance Policy).

Serious & Compelling Withdrawal

Serious and compelling withdrawals are considered after the Add/Drop Deadline through 11:59 p.m. PST on Monday of the 11th week of classes. Serious and compelling reasons are typically outside a student’s control. The Office of Records and Registration will review the student’s request and documentation. If the student provides sufficient documentation, the faculty members teaching the course will be notified that a student has petitioned for a Withdrawal. Faculty will be given the opportunity to provide feedback to the Office of Records and Registration if necessary.

Catastrophic Withdrawal

Catastrophic withdrawals are considered after the Add/Drop Deadline through the end of instruction. This is the only category of withdrawal permitted in the last five weeks of instruction. Catastrophic Reasons are typically events clearly beyond a student’s control, preventing attendance, and in cases where the assignment of an Incomplete grade is not practicable. Verifiable documentation of the event must be provided to the Office of Records and Registration, who will determine whether or not a Catastrophic Withdrawal is appropriate. If the student provides sufficient documentation to the Registrar’s office, faculty members teaching the course will be notified that a student has petitioned for a Catastrophic Withdrawal. The faculty member will be given the opportunity to provide feedback to the Office of Records and Registration if necessary. Catastrophic Withdrawals do not count toward the 18-unit limit for Official Withdrawals.

Procedure and Notification

To start the withdrawal process, a student should contact the Office of Records and Registration. Forms and instructions are available on the Office of Records and Registration Withdrawal Process webpage.

Students must notify all course instructors of withdrawal. An instructor has the right to override a “W” grade with a grade of “F” or “NC.” For information regarding deadlines for partial refund upon withdrawal consult the Calendar of Activities and Deadlines and Student Financial Services. Graduate students (master’s degree seeking) must also contact their graduate department coordinator regarding their withdrawal.

A student who does not plan to return to Cal Poly Humboldt the next semester may need to request a leave of absence or reapply to the university upon return. For more information please see Educational Leave  or contact the Office of Records and Registration, 707-826-4101.

Financial Aid: Students who receive financial aid funds must consult with Financial Aid prior to withdrawing from the university regarding any required return or repayment of grant or loan assistance received for that academic term or payment period. Students who have received financial aid and withdraw from the institution during the academic term or payment period may need to return or repay some or all of the funds received, which may result in a debt owed to the institution.

Housing: Students who have paid for housing on campus should contact the Office of Housing & Residence Life, 707-826-3451 or housing@humboldt.edu concerning refunds.

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Withdrawal Procedures for Students Mobilized for Active Duty

Cal Poly Humboldt students who are in the military reserves or the National Guard of the United States who are called to active duty after the beginning of a semester or summer session have two options they may consider in determining their enrollment status with the university. Normal withdrawal procedures should be followed whenever possible. However, if students are unable to complete the necessary paperwork by coming into the Office of Records and Registration, SBS 133, or writing a letter of withdrawal, the university shall accept notification from the student or a family member. The Office of Records and Registration will verify all notifications.

Students may also contact Veterans Enrollment & Transition Services, 707-826-6272, with questions or for assistance with required paperwork. Withdrawals as a result of a verified call to active duty do not count towards the 18-unit withdrawal limit.

Option 1 - Students may withdraw from all courses:

A student may choose to do a total withdrawal from all classes, and under a CSU policy, receive a full refund of tuition and fees. This option requires that the student withdraw from every course and receive no grade for any course taken during the semester.

To process this total semester withdrawal, undergraduate students must contact the Office of Records and Registration, SBS 133, 707-826-4101, or email records@humboldt.edu to complete the necessary paperwork and to start the process for refunds. Graduate students should notify the Office of Academic Programs & Undergraduate/ Graduate Studies, Siemens Hall 217A, 707-826-4192.

A student who does not plan to return to Cal Poly Humboldt the next semester must request a leave of absence. This approved leave of absence will ensure that the student will retain their catalog rights and will allow the student to register for subsequent terms without reapplying for admission.

Option 2 - Students may take a grade of incomplete in courses.

If a substantial part of the semester has been completed by the time the student is called for active military duty, the student may meet with each instructor to determine if the assignment of an incomplete grade is practicable. The conditions for completing course work and receiving a final grade should be agreed to between the student and the instructor by completing an Authorized Incomplete form available from any academic department. If the assignment of an incomplete grade is not practicable, then students should be offered the option of withdrawing from the course.

A student who does not plan to return to Cal Poly Humboldt the next semester must request a leave of absence. This approved leave of absence will ensure that the student will retain their catalog rights and will allow the student to register for subsequent terms without reapplying for admission.

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