This program meets subject-matter and professional requirements to prepare students to teach in secondary schools (middle school and senior high).
Program Admission Requirements
A bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher learning or in exceptional cases, as part of an approved B.A./B.S. subject-matter program at HSU. Credential program admission requirements and application are available at the Education & Credentialing Office (HGH 202) and on the Credential Program Requirements webpage. Orientation sessions that explain the application process are offered each fall, beginning in late September.
Program Requirements (38 units)
Credential requirements are subject to change due to action by the state legislature, the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, or the CSU Office of the Chancellor. The coordinator has current information on changes and the ways they affect programs.
Candidates must maintain a B average (with no grade lower than a C-) to remain in the program.
Obtain a preliminary credential by taking a 38-unit professional education program to qualify for teaching positions including teaching English language learners. Courses required for the single subjects (secondary education) preliminary credential must be taken in sequence.