The dance studies curriculum unifies the physical, intellectual, cultural, and artistic aspects of dance into an invigorating course of study, and prepares students for careers in the dance arts and/or for graduate studies. Experience and practice in a broad range of technical, performance, and creative skills develop the student’s capacity to form and transform thought into expressive composition and performance. By investigating the relationship of dance to other art forms, various ethnic groups and cultures, and to social trends through historic and contemporary periods, our students grasp the profound importance of dance as a fine art and as an essential component of human existence.
Annually, we offer two performances, a fall formal student Choreography Showcase, and a spring faculty/student formal concert “Dance Visions”. In coordination with Center Arts, we are able to provide affordable tickets and multiple master class opportunities with internationally-renowned dance artists and companies.
The dance studies program participates annually in American College Dance Association conferences.
Students are highly encouraged to participate in the international exchange programs in order to experience dance as a universal and unifying phenomenon.
Dance studies prepares students for careers as dance teachers, choreographers and performers of innovative and/or multicultural works; performance artists; teacher of mind/body integration techniques; special arts events coordinators; designers of lights, sets and costumes; and prepares students for further study at the graduate level.
Information about dance clubs is available on the Clubs & Organizations website.
Learn more about our dance program on the Dance Studies website.